Faded memories and a bit of nostalgia caught me by surprise as I hung my first load. Don’t all of us of a certain age remember our mother’s laundry line? At that time, it was the 60’s, moms were still doing all of the laundry and our line hung in the backyard of our house in Brooklyn. My mom would be out there in the bright sunshine hanging her laundry and chatting with the Grandmother next door, who had just arrived from China and didn’t speak a word of English, but somehow they were able to communicate with each other. Also, the memory of helping to fold the dry sheets - me on one end, my brother on the opposite end, making him bend and walk towards me several times since he was the younger one. And, the sound and clean air scent of linens flapping in the breeze brought back a flash of playing hide and seek between psychedelic patterned sheets.
By hanging our clothes outside rather than popping them in the dryer we have saved quite a bit of money on our electric bill. According to Project Laundry List found at laundrylist.org, an average household can save $25 on their electric bill each month. Besides saving money they list many benefits that make hanging your clothes on a line worth the effort – clothes last longer (think about where lint comes from); sunlight bleaches and disinfects; clothes and bed linens smell better scented with the real fresh outdoors and not a chemical brew resembling it from a dryer sheet; each one of us in their small way is conserving energy and helping to save the planet; and the pleasure of being able to do a usually tedious household chore outside surrounded by singing birds.
Well, I have to go now bring in the sheets before dark, make the bed, fluff the pillows and jump in – surrounded by the fresh air smell of the outdoors. Heaven.
I just used my clothes line for the first time this spring!